If you are in the area, we'd love for you to visit and be part of our worship service at 10 AM. We will help you to feel right at home, as God meets you and blesses you through His Word, in Worship & the Sacraments!

On Sunday mornings at 8:45 AM we are studying the passion of Christ in the Gospel of John. 


➡️  .... Note: The Western leg of Baseline Avenue/Edison Street is closed at its connection to Hwy. 154.

Taking Roblar and going south on Edison is the best way to get to church in traveling from the west of the highway.


You can watch Shepherd of the Valley's service online each week by connecting with us on Zoom. 

Sign up below, for the Weekly E-News, to receive a link to Sunday's service.

Click Here to Sign Up for SOTV's Weekly E-News 


Click below for a recent video of last Sunday's sermon, from Pastor Jess Knauft. 





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A new video series on the spirituality of wine and Christian apologetics has been uploaded. It's designed especially for those visiting the wine country in our area. 

The latest video in the series explores this recently discovered quote by Martin Luther,

"God does not stand behind you with a stick, but in front of you with a glass of Malvasia (i.e. a sweet, white, possibly sparkling wine)."

Did you know that sparkling wines were pioneered by the Romans and that Malvasia was a possible sparkling wine in Martin Luther's time, due to fermentation issues? 

In this latest episode by Pastor Jess Knauft cutting edge research is shared about the possibility of Malvasia frequently being made into an accidental sparkling wine in the renaissance and reformation era. 

The episode below goes beyond just talking about the history of sparkling wines to that of modern & ancient testimonies of extraordinary gifts, such as gifts of healings in conjunction with prayer, that one Luther professor described metaphorically as "bubbly" wines as distinct from "still" wines.

The second part of the video explores historical insights and spiritual reflections related to philosophical objections to miracles, based upon the writings of John W. Montgomery, C.S. Lewis and others. 

C.S. Lewis wrote that one:

"... must develop a nose like a bloodhound for those steps in the argument which depend not on historical and linguistic knowledge but on the concealed assumption that miracles are impossible, improbable, or improper. And this means that you must really re-educate yourself...work hard and consistently to eradicate from your mind the whole type of thought in which we have all been brought up." 



You can access the full list of Christian apologetics videos here.