If you are in the area, we'd love for you to visit and be part of our worship service at 10 AM. We will help you to feel right at home, as God meets you and blesses you through His Word, in Worship & the Sacraments!
On Sunday mornings from 8:30 to 9:30 AM we are studying the book of Romans.
➡️ .... Note: The Western leg of Baseline Avenue/Edison Street is closed at its connection to Hwy. 154.
Taking Roblar and going south on Edison is the best way to get to church in traveling from the west of the highway.
Join us for Sunday worship at 10 AM!
You can watch Shepherd of the Valley's service online each week by connecting with us on Zoom.
Sign up below, for the Weekly E-News, to receive a link to Sunday's service.
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