Leader: Rob Badger
A Brief Description
The Educational Endowment Fund was started near the end of 2004 and became operational in 2005. Funding was from an unrestricted contribution to initiate the fund. Over the years there have been some additional contributions to the mutual fund investments. The concept was and is to dedicate earnings from the investment of these funds to SOTV members seeking to advance their education, as well as to preserve the investment capital for future earnings and awards. Over the years since its beginning, the SOTV Educational Endowment Fund has made many awards, totaling $53,500, to young adults. Many of these young adults have completed their degree programs and graduated. While others may not have achieved a degree, we believe they have benefitted substantially from their additional education.
If the fund had a larger capital base to invest, the growth and returns would be greater allowing more awards to be issued in the future. We therefore designate the month of May to be Educational Endowment month. Each year we encourage additional contributions be provided for the fund. While special emphasis is in May, we welcome gifts at any time of the year.
Would you like to join in helping our youth? Is there someone you would like to remember and honor by making a donation?
Select and note in the text box next to 'General Fund' - "Educational Endowment"
Have questions? We can help with answers - `(805) 688-8938 (email)
Requests for funds may be submitted only from January 1st to March 31st of each year.
If selected by the Endowment Committee, an informal chat will be scheduled sometime in April.
Final decisions by this committee will be made in May.