If you are in the area, we'd love for you to visit and be part of our worship service at 10 AM. We will help you to feel right at home, as God meets you and blesses you through His Word, in Worship & the Sacraments!

We have two pastor led Bible studies during the week. On Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM we are studying the passion of Christ in the Gospel of John. Than on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM, we are studying women of faith in Bible times. 


You can watch Shepherd of the Valley's service online each week by connecting with us on Zoom. 

Sign up below, for the Weekly E-News, to receive a link to Sunday's service.

Click Here to Sign Up for SOTV's Weekly E-News 



Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church presents the Lucy & Desi “Long Long Trailer” Open House on October 5th at 11:00 AM. Enjoy tours, a movie, music, dancing, grape stomping, games, bake sale, wine pull, and a raffle!

See below for more information!




As a follow up to the first of part of the Alpha Course which explores apologetics (i.e. providing reasons for the faith), a new video series on that topic by Pastor Jess Knauft has been uploaded. It's designed especially for those visiting the wine country in our area. 

The latest video in the series reviews evidence for an historical understanding of the Wedding of Cana being an actual miraculous event. Among other insights, recently discovered information related to Martin & Katy Luther's vineyard and wine making activities is explored. 

It turns out, based upon information from German research, that Martin and Katy had a grape growing and wine making enterprise that generated at least 11 barrels of wine per year (likely Pinot Noir, along with German white varietals that were popular in the 16th century).


You can access the full list of Christian apologetics videos here.